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Your success is our success


In a world in constant change, companies and enterpreneurs need the best possible professional advise. They need to have access to a comprehensive array of business tools, knowledge and resources to guarantee that they maximize their competitive advantage and succeed at exploiting their business opportunities. At Caamaño Asesores, we work with our clients to help them identify those opportunities in the labor, tax and financial areas, contributing to maximize their potential and generating tangible results.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”

Charles Darwin

exalia asesores, subvenciones y ayudas, financiación, proyectos de inversión
exalia asesores, consultoría de gestión, management consulting

We cover all the aspects of the professional advice in labour related matters: payroll and employee benefits, taxation, Social Security, retirement and pension and consultancy in human resources.

Expert advice for local or non-resident legal entities and individuals, based on an extensive and highly qualified knowledge of the different aspects of local and international tax legislation. 

Financial management services provided by expert economists to guarantee your full compliance with your statutory obligations, an optimal level of management controls and value added business data. 

Professional advice in the identification and management of public subsidies and grants available to finance your business needs. Stay informed and don't miss any opportunity to make things happen.  


Caamaño Asesores is led Guillermo Caamaño Brito:


  • Master's degree in Economics from the University of La Laguna.

  • Member of the Colegio de Economistas de Las Palmas.

  • Graduate in Labour Law and Human Resources by the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC).

  • Member of the Colegio Oficial de Graduados Sociales de Gran Canaria y Fuerteventura.

  • PEL from the Crummer Graduate School of Business of the Rollins College (Florida, USA).

  • Member of the Register of Tax Advisors of the Consejo General de Economistas.

  • Member of the Register of Accounting Experts of the Consejo General de Economistas.

  • Advanced Technician Diploma in Labor Risk Prevention.

  • Professional expertise as CEO, CFO, HHRR  Director, Auditor, enterpreneur, private investor and management consultant.

  • Guest lecturer for various MBA and postgraduate programs.

  • Speaker and collaborator with several communication media.

Would you like to know more?

 Contact us via email, phone or social networks.

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